Natura &Co - Recruitment

Natura &Co - 2022

We created for Natura & Co. – the group comprising Natura, Avon, The Body Shop and Aesop brands – a video to guide new collaborators through every step of the internal system of recruitment. The objective was to keep their attention and make the content easier to understand, with a light, didactic, dynamic and visually interesting edition.

The challenge was to create an informative piece of work that could, at the same time, translate into verbal and visual language important aspects of the company’s culture.

We created everything: from the video’s script and art proposal, based on the brand’s style guide, to the animation and static materials, such as pdfs and marketing emails to support the video broadcast. All the content was available in Portuguese and Spanish, for teams in Brazil and Latin America.

The video was integrally created in motion graphics, but it still needed to be humanized and welcoming, for it was one of the first points of contact between the new collaborator and Natura & Co. Resources such as a friendly tone in the voice-over narration and a cheerful soundtrack were chosen in order to create the adequate atmosphere.

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