Jeep - Find your nature
Jeep - 2018
Branded content project in partnership with G.Lab for Jeep, the automotive company, which tells the story of four personalities who recalculated their routes in life: Marcelo Rosenbaum (architect and TV presenter), Flávio Canto (presenter and Olympic medalist), Isabel Filardis (actress), and Thais Pegoraro (businesswoman and climber).

For each one of them, we traveled to a different state in Brazil which symbolized this transformation in their lives. We recorded in the countryside of Tocantins, on a beach in northern Bahia (which had never before hosted a recording crew), in the countryside of São Paulo, and in Rio de Janeiro.
All four told their story in videos with versions for the web, social media and 15-second TV spots aired on OFF and GNT channels. We also produced vertical and horizontal versions, as well as boomerangs and other contents for stories and posts on social media.