Dengo Chocolates
Dengo - 2019
Dengo Chocolates is a Brazilian brand of chocolates, focused on creating a social impact on cocoa farmers and providing a unique service in its stores. With its operations expanding across Brazil, the company faced the challenge of optimizing its training programs, which until then were held in person in São Paulo, and at the same time transmitting and enhancing corporate culture to collaborators.

This is how we came up with TreinaDengo, a series of videos with the company’s style, in which its salespeople gave tips, shared experiences and explained processes. Studio 750 was in charge of creating and producing the videos, from script to final edition.

Every month, the team of Studio 750 would spend the whole night in a Dengo store recording videos with collaborators. The trust they had in us was so great that we could innovate in the form, creating something completely new at the film shooting. This creative freedom allowed us to explore radically different models and the talent of collaborators, ensuring a smooth transmission of corporate culture.

The success was so huge that every video was being watched by all the experts at Dengo. And more than that: because of them, different stores asked for the opportunity to appear in the videos. In fact, even when store collaborators were not scheduled for the recording session, many spent the whole night on the film shooting for the fun of it. A true event of team building, engagement, and reinforcement of corporate culture.